About Us
The Woodentots Unique Blended Approach

Our Story
Woodentots, established in 1989, is a collective of bespoke Nature Nurseries offering children the best possible start. With over 33 years of experience, Woodentots has built its reputation upon its natural and creative approach.
The founder Paula Woodman was awarded Montessorian of The Year and was one of the first to bring Forest School to London. Nature and creativity are always at its core. Woodentots creates a magical childhood.
The Woodentots way embeds the rich pickings from some of the most inspiring child–centred pedagogies.
Inspired by Montessori | Inspired by Waldorf | Inspired by Reggio | Inspired by Forest School
We believe in a child led approach, following the rhythms of nature.
We care deeply for the planet, all our nurseries promote nature-based plastic free and use sustainable resources where possible.
‘Less is more'
‘Reduce, reuse, recycle'
Our blended approach is suitable for a home setting, sessional, daycare nursery, or Forest School.

Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was one of the most important early years educators of the 20th century, the innovator of classroom practices and ideas which have had a profound influence on the education of young children the world over.
Children are encouraged to
1. Choose activities according to their interests.
2. Promote Independence, for example help to prepare a snack.
3. Learn at their own pace.
Montessori promotes
1. Classes that are not segregated by age.
2. Freedom within a structured environment.
3. Follow the child.
“Within the child lies the fate of the future.” – Maria Montessori
Montessorian of the Year
Paula is the founder of Woodentots nurseries in north London, with outstanding Ofsted reports. She has been a great inspiration for teachers, parents and a wider group of friends. With her creative approach and endless energy, she has been at the forefront of trying to reconnect children with nature by combining Montessori with Forest School philosophies. Paula has been encouraging her teachers to promote child–led creativity and imaginative play within the Montessori curriculum from the very beginning. During the last 33 years Paula has been involved in many projects within the local community. She has organised successful Montessori Parenting Classes, seasonal forest school camps and introduced a Woodentots Newspaper, providing some essential information about the Montessori philosophy. All these years Paula has been working with MCI, mentoring and supporting a stream of students during their professional placements. With her open–minded and warm attitude, she has been a great support and role model for all her staff, parents and friends.

Montessori Consultancy
Paula Woodman is the Principal, as well as mother to 2 daughters. She has over 33 years of experience and was awarded Montessorian of the year in 2017.
Paula has a wealth of experience and knowledge and was also a Montessori Parenting class pioneer.
Woodentots has been awarded OUTSTANDING OFSTED reports.
Paula is available for private consultancy for educational settings, where she can support in mentoring teachers to understand what OUTSTANDING looks like. She is also available to visit families in their home for support. Perhaps you have a parenting struggle such as implementing effective strategies for challenging behaviour. Or maybe you would like to understand how to implement Montessori methods and techniques in the home such as organisation of toys, promoting independence, or how to set up a Montessori bedroom or playroom.
Suitable for nannies and carers too. Contact Paula at: paula@woodentots.co.uk
We are also able to offer Continual Professional Development at our Sessional nurseries, Day nurseries and Forest School.
Please get in contact for our consultancy fees