Sessional Nursery for Ages 2- 5 years
Rochester Road
Contact Us:
Woodentots Montessori School
6 Rochester Road, Camden, London, NW1 9JH

‘Where Nature Inspires Creativity’
Enter into a magical childhood- set within a family home offering free flow to the garden , this setting offers a nurturing home from home for experience.
Our cosy classroom is equipped with Montessori materials carefully selected to follow the child’s developmental pathway . Set out on low level shelves to foster independence , whilst supported by dedicated educators the children work their way through the Montessori practical life , sensorial , mathematical, language and cultural materials.
Following the Woodentots seasonal rhythms we bake bread , churn butter and chop vegetables for soup . Our experienced educators fostering a gentle and responsive approach to support our children’s well-being.
Our l00ft natural garden with planting to create nooks to inspire imaginative play . Loose parts such as planks and blocks give opportunities to build and play creatively . Where we believe children should be children to play in our mud kitchen , make potions , dig and plant . Risky play builds on children’s resilience and confidence to climb, build structures and use real tools.
‘The mud will wash off but the memories will last forever’
At the end of the garden built around an apple tree is our creativity studio where children can create with open ended natural resources . Taking inspiration from Reggio Emilia to build collaborative projects to encourage creativity, problem solving skills and exploration . There are also beautiful wooden grimms toys that bring imagination alive . Woodentots children are known for their individuality and creativity !